
In June 2024, my colleagues in the documentation team have mentioned to me an approach to writing, improving and structuring documentation, called Diátaxis, that I'm exploring as a possible way to improve my own admittedly haphazard writings.

It organises writing according to two axes: a do-think (or action-theory) axis and a get-use (or learn-apply) axis; the get+think quadrant explains to foster understanding (this is what most of my pages are, at least, trying to do); the get+do one holds tutorials (lessons) to help learn; the use+do quadrant has how-to guides (recipes) focused on specific goals and the use+think quadrant provides information through reference texts (compendia of facts) – which my descriptions of my notation should probably aim to be.

For all the water-fall and even scrum-like planners out there, here's a quote

There's a strong urge to work in a cycle of planning and execution in order to work towards results. But it's not the only way, and there are often better ways

Although that sentence ends when working with documentation, I consider the cycle it offers instead – chose something, assess it, decide what to do, do it, move on – is more broadly applicable.

And, since it's what that guidance advises, I'll now commit the change that adds this beginning of a page, along with changing a link elsewhere to point here, and move on to the next thing, trusting that when I have more to say I'll be back here to say it.

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