This web-site is primarily a note-book that I don't mind other folk reading – its real purpose is to be a place: in which I can record my thoughts and explorations of various topics; that I can access from anywhere with a web browser and an internet connection. Parts of it may, none the less, be of interest to others; I'll let you be the judge of that. The major entry-points are:
I did my degree in mathematics, specializing in theoretical physics; I still dabble in both. My writings here use a notation designed for plain text (via a cruder precursor) and the mathematics is divided between an older area which is more chaotic and a newer area in which I aim to be more disciplined. The former contains more material; the latter is somewhat more focussed on the needs of theoretical physics.
and book reviews, organized
chronologically, along with a (very
sporadic) diary
recording what's
changing on this site. Similar thoughts sometimes end up
as project sketches, ranging from space travel and
software engineering to tools for theoretical physics.
I earn my living as a computer programmer (see my curriculum vitae – or, to North Americans, resumé – for details) and am in favour of Free Software. When I'm learning new web technologies, I add toys to this site as examples; and sometimes I write essays about how I think the software industry might be improved. Some of my experiments and experimental ruminations are also available.
Like many a vain fool with a website, I have recorded some of my opinions about politics, life in general, mine in particular and the mind, of which you can make what you will. As my opinions change, I might even update these pages, but some of them are very old, so might be out of date.
on various topics, with no particular structure.
If I ever have material worthy of peer-reviewed publication, I am committed to offering it to open-access journals for publication.
I endeavour, on this web-site, to conform to
the world-wide web consortium's relevant
standards: consequently, it should work with all user agents (including the ones
described as web browsers
) in so far as they support those standards. On
the other hand, particularly when I'm exploring new web technologies, I do use
some modern standards (e.g. SVG and XHTML) which are not as widely supported as
plain HTML; so you'll get most out of this site
with a modern standards-compliant
browser (such
as Vivaldi, FireFox or Chromium).
My adopted nick-name is four letters long: any other spelling lacks the meanings (and synonyms) for which I chose it. Where used, I consider it to properly be a replacement for the whole of my name, not only my first name; combining it with my surname always strikes me as odd – why shorten my first name by (at best) two letters when using my nine-letter surname ? If you're going to be so formal as to use my surname, please use my full name, Edward Welbourne, which I inherited from my grandfather – if you came here looking for information about a historian, my page about him will hopefully help.
I have had several abodes on the 'net: however, most of these may sensibly be expected to have expired. So if you have any other e-mail address for me, please revise to just This is now my definitive home (and e-mail address) on the InterNet.
Maintained by Eddy.