Edward Welbourne's Curriculum Vitae

Portrait I'm a highly experienced and flexible software developer, working mainly in C and C++ on Linux, with a strong focus on maintainability and portability (between different CPUs and operating systems). I have extensive experience of tracking down elusive bugs and fixing them, of refactoring senescent code and of developing robust new features. I routinely deal with emerging issues – both in software and in the process for its development and maintenance – before they become problems. Together with learning my way around each code-base, and the continuous relearning needed to keep up with an ever-changing craft, this has made me one of the developers others routinely turn to for help and advice.

Career History:

I have been employed since the 1980s as a professional software engineer. For references, contact me (by e-mail) and I'll put you in touch. You can also view my portfolio and find some recommendations from former colleagues (requires login) on LinkedIn.

Every job I've done has called for, and taught me, new skills. My short summary of where that's brought me to date shouldn't be regarded as final: I enjoy learning. Along with various skills specific to the work which taught me them, I've learned to develop reliable and maintainable systems of software.

This is the print version of the over-view page of my CV. You can find out more about me by following the links below (where hovering each link shall say more about it) or at the top of each page here in the full web version of this at . The details are endless; but hypertext lets me single out the highlights and lets you chose how much more to read.

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