
I have developed the plaintext denotations below with an eye on the following practical concerns:

it has to be expressive enough to encode mathematics

Fortunately, this is a field which has been thoroughly explored: and designers of computer programming languages have provided me with ample examples of how plain text may be used expressively towards this end.

writing, modifying and maintaining it should need no more sophisticated tool than a general-purpose text editor

Specifically, I use the emacs HTML mode (the friendly one, based on sgml-mode, whose sole fault is that I have to type C-c C-t a lot, not the other html-mode, or the so-called html-helper-mode). If I needed to use vi or a dumb tablet editor, I could do so: the use of plain (ASCII) text as the foundation of HTML is a virtue because it is the most portable data encoding available. Both the effort of typing markup and the clutter it adds to what my eyes see (my brain sees that along-side what my internal web-browser says it all means) help me keep to my chosen discipline of light markup - leaving decisions about how to make this look good to the user agent which displays the page (and maybe some day I'll write some style sheets to help it along).

one day someone might write a parser for this

I strive to make the plaintext math-mode material amenable to a dumb parser (if once you can extract it - possibly in ugly ad hoc ways - from the ramblings in which it is embedded). The following constitutes the spec for the language to be parsed. One of these days, when I have richer XML tools to hand, I may well parse it all up into XML (though I might continue using parseable plaintext as the form in which to maintain it). The goal of amenable to dumb parsing is closely allied to the kinds of simple/straightforward at which I also aim for the sake of readers learning the denotations.

Just to confuse matters, this page describes old denotations, some of which I'm slowly replacing with new ones. Principally, the new forms reverse relation-denotation texts.


In this page I collect together the denotations I introduce in the basement of mathematics (which lies mostly above the foundations), along with pointers to the discourses which give meaning to my explanations of what each denotation means. All presume the implicit foundation I introduce under the banner of naïve logic and the early stages of my discussion of relations.

I'll use italicised [ square brackets ] to enclose optional parts of denotations; italicised words to denote any (denotation for a) value - using words chosen to describe or identify those values - and; bold words, and punctuators, to denote actual text belonging to the denotation being introduced. I'll use italicised [ square brackets ending in ...] to denote arbitrary repetition: formally, [ thing ...] means [ thing [ thing ...]] - that is, it's optional, if present it begins with thing and after that you can have anything the original could have stood for.

Contents, with illustrations of the most obvious denotations introduced:

this=that, f(x), f(a,...,z)
Expressions with assertions.
initial -> final, {quick x: x in C}, &unite;, &intersect;, &on;
Relations and some combinators.
Restriction of relations.
(f|), (|f), (|f:B), (A:f|)
(A|f:B), (A:f|B), (A|f|B), (|f|B), (A|f|)
End-collections with restriction and assertion.
[], [x], [a,...,z]

Expressions with assertions

left = right

This asserts that the two expressions, left and right, are equal: it denotes the value they both have. If evaluation of either expression fails, or if they are not equal, evaluation of this equation as an expression fails. By the nature of this, first [= next ...] = last is consequently well-defined, asserting that all the given expressions are equal.

If the expressions contain some unbound names, evaluation of an equation constrains the binding of these names to values: a binding of names to values is valid if evaluation of both expressions succeeds and yields equality.

relation(first [, next ...])
Evaluation (with thanks to Haskell B. Currie).

This denotes the single member of ({last}: ... unite({next}: unite({first}: relation |) |) ... |), when last is the last in the comma-separated sequence which begins first, next. If the given collection has other than exactly one member, evaluation of this expression fails. Since the definition just given uses denotations I haven't yet defined, I now give the equivalent in terms of the little we already have.

Note that, when f(x) is a relation, ({x}:f|) is {f(x)}, so unite({x}:f|) yields f(x), provided it is a relation, but copes with the failure cases - it yields empty if x isn't in (|f:) and returns a single relation even when ({x}:f|) has many members. [If one used intersect({x}:f|) similarly it would clash with the multi-argument form.] Use of the f(x) denotation, to force failure if non-unique, can be used to limit the matching of names to values.


[constraint;] initial -> final
Formulaic relation.

In which initial and final are expressions, which may introduce names - as may the constraint clause, if present. This last is (read as) a statement: it is included with any constraints, from context, on the values for which any names (whether introduced in the denotation or provided by context) may stand.

The relation denotated relates any given x to given y precisely if there is some match of x to initial which agrees with some match of y to final (agreeing in the sense that any name to which both matches give values is bound to the same value by the two matches).

This denotation for a relation is unashamedly a denotation (plundered from Ponder and Haskell) for a mapping, but without the restrictions needed to make it always denote a mapping. Eliding the restrictions leaves a nice clear definition which manifestly denotes a relation, which may happen to be a mapping if the expressions it uses have the right meanings.

The restrictions would inescapably entwine, in the reading of the denotation, (at least one of): a discussion of when a relation is a mapping, or; some tool for extracting a mapping from a relation. Each of these can equally be defined separately from the denotation, directly in terms of general relations and mappings, rather than in terms of any denotation - and this is generally a more illuminating way to introduce them, quite apart from rendering them applicable even to relations which have been introduced by some other means than the restricted denotation. Thus the restricted form of this definition is less expressive, less powerful and more complicated, while this general form lets us build any tool it could have built.

Since initial and final may stand for relations, and could be denoted formulaicly themselves, we could, in principle, read x->y->z at least two ways: so I define that it is to be read as x->(y->z), which relates x to the relation y->z. This reading naturally extends to a-> b-> ... y-> z, which is then read as a-> (b-> ... (y->z)...). One can still write (x->y)->z, for the relation which relates the relation x->y to z, of course.

{[[type] [expression [,expression ...]] [in filter] [: constraint]]}

Eliding everything we may leaves {} which denotes the empty relation - which is a sub-relation of every relation, including equality. [Reminder: a collection is a sub-relation of equality; and a value x is said to be in a relation A precisely if A relates x to x.]

More usually, however, one includes some expressions, matches to which may variously be constrained by type, filter and constraint: any value which matches any of the expressions, subject to any pertinent constraints, is a member of the denoted collection. Any constraint given is simply included with those imposed by context.

If filter is given, it must be a relation: only its fixed points are considered for matching - the constraints effectively include x is in filter for each expression, x. If type is given, x is [a] type (must make sense and) is likewise effectively added to the constraints, for each expression, x: a value will only be considered for matching if it is [a] type. Both filter and type constraints can be migrated into constraint: however, the denotation is a good deal more compact when certain relevant styles of constraint are given terse denotations - I prefer {linear (V|:U)} over {f: (V|f:U) =f is linear}.

Note that constraints and types are notions to which context is obliged to give meaning if it is to deploy any in denotations. The given reading of a type as a constraint, omitting the optional a, e.g. he is quick, reads a type as an adjective. With the a, e.g. n is a number, we get a form which seduces the following rendition of the special case in which only one expression appears, it is a simple name and the only constraint is a type: the name is superfluous.

I'll use the plural of a type in {} to mean {type name} without having to use a name: thus, {relations} means {relation s} but lets s be anonymous - in the case of relations, {relation (::)} would do, but I like the better readability of {relations}.

Notice that {0, 0, 0, 0} = {0}, that is, repetition in expressions is ignored: this is most usually relevant in cases such as {a, b, c} where a, b, c need not be distinct - consequently, do not assume that such a collection is as big as its list of expressions.

relation &unite; relation
relates x to y precisely if either relation does.

relation &intersect; relation
relates x to y precisely if both relations do.

This and the previous, &unite;, denotation correspond to mappings, intersect and unite respectively, which can be used to combine an arbitrary collection of relations rather than just the two combined here.

last &on; first

This relates x to z precisely if there is some value, y, for which first relates x to y and last relates y to z. Notice that y need not be unique.

When both first and last are mappings, this is the usual composition of mappings: formally (f&on;g)(x), is f(g(x)). [That's why first is to the right of last, and why I'll number lists [last, ..., 1, 0] when I come to introduce them, with 0 in the rôle of first. Note, however, that the denotations below, like the formulaic relation above, read from left to right, being modelled on text, without regard to this reversal; so that (X|y:Z)&on;...&on;(A|b:C) is (A|y&on;...&on;b:Z), which takes some getting used to - this is the price of reading function composition in the opposite order to that used for ordinary text.]

As like as not, you see &union; and the others as an & followed by the word union and a semi-colon, ;. In an ideal universe, it'd be easy enough for me to arrange that &union; appears as the slightly reshaped U commonly used to denote intersection; this is the symbol I would write if I had a black-board and a piece of chalk as my medium of communication. Likewise for intersection (an up-turned version of &union;, like an enlarged smoothed n) and composition (&on; appearing as a small circle, like an o but raised slightly, so as to be centred on the line along the top of an o, or half-way up an f). These are the conventional symbols. For why I use forms styled on HTML's character entities, see elsewhere.

Restrictions and End-Collections

([filter] : [relation] : [filter])
([assert] | [relation] : [filter])
([filter] : [relation] | [assert])
([assert] | [relation] | [assert])

Constraints and exceptions: in the last case, at least one of the assertions must be present. The optional parts, when present, must be (denotations for) relations. (In all cases, if none of the optional parts is present the denotation is a bit pointless.) In cases with only a relation, of the optional parts, : may be elided where present. (This is boring when it says (:r:) = (r), unhelpful where it says I can write (r:) and (:r): but it lets me keep (r|) as a short-hand for (:r|) for backward compatibility with old texts ... such elision is deprecated and will be retired at a later date.)

If a | is present without an accompanying assert (on its side), the denotation stands for the collection of initial (if on the left) or final (if on the right) values of the relation it would denote if that | were replaced by a : (see below). Thus (:r|) means the collection of final values of r, {y: r relates some x to y}, and (|r:) is {x: r relates x to some y}.

Otherwise, the denotation stands for a restriction of the given relation: this relation composes cleanly after the filter or assertion on the left and before the one on the right.

In any case, where a | appears with an accompanying assertion, as well as denoting what the above says it denotes, the denotation also states that the assert's collection of final (if on the left) or initial (right) values is subsumed by the collection of initial or final (respectively) values of the relation which would be denoted if we replaced the | and its assert with a :. [i.e. (A:f|B) says that (A:f|) subsumes (|B:) - when A and B are collections, this says that every b in B is b = f(a) for some a in A.]

Where the relation is given as a name being introduced by the denotation, it will implicity be one for which any assertions or filters present are vacuous - that is, given A and B, introducing (A|r:B) not only asserts that (|r:B) subsumes (:A|) but also that r = (A:r:B), so that (:A|) subsumes (|r:), which makes (:A|) = (|r:), and (|B:) subsumes (:r|). Given B, introducing (|r:B), the collection of r's initial values, incidentally introduces r whose final values are all initial values of B: while introducing (|s|B) imposes that (:s|) = (|B:).

Thus introducing r, given A and B, with (A|r:B) says that (|B:) subsumes (:r|) and (|r) subsumes (:A|)

So, given collections A, B and a relation r (we could have relations a and b and use (a|) wherever A appears, (|b) wherever B appears), in the absence of any other constraints from context on what is being denoted,

(|r:) and (:r|)
are the collections of initial and final values (respectively) of r
relates x to y precisely if: r relates x to y and x is in A.
relates x to y precisely if: r relates x to y and y is in B.
relates x to y precisely if: x is in A and y is in B

but note that context will often mess with this, eg a mapping (A::B) is an (anonymous) mapping whose initial values are all in A and whose final values are all in B.

relates x to y precisely if: x is in A, y is in B and r relates x to y.
Restriction relation

Call the relation this denotes g, for now. If the left filter is present, all initial values of g are final values of that filter, which must be a relation. If the right filter is present, g's final values are initial values of it. If the relation is given, then g relates x to y precisely if: any such filter conditions are met, and; the given relation relates x to y. Thus (a:f:w) denotes the relation which relates x to y precisely if x is a final value of a, y is an initial value of w and f relates x to y; while (:f:) is a synonym for f.

When no relation is given, g is an arbitrary relation satisfying constraints implied by context and the filters. Examples, given (for simplicity) collections A and B:

When the expression is of initial->final form, it makes sense to allow the filters to depend on names introduced in the expression: each match of a value to initial or final is then individually constrained to satisfy its filter. For example, given mappings f and g, we can introduce (: x->g(x) :{f(x)}) which is the restriction of g (or, equally, of f) to those values on which f and g agree: this is equivalent to g(x)=f(x); x->g(x) or x-> g(x)=f(x). Similarly, given a mapping f whose outputs are relations, and some mapping g, we have (: x->g(x) :f(x)) as a mapping which takes x to g(x) provided g(x) is initial for f(x), aka g(x) in f(x); x->g(x). When f and g have a smooth manifold as their input domain, with f(p) being the space of tangents at p, g is thus restricted to a mapping for which g(p) is a tangent at p - which is just the formalism needed to define a vector field or a section of the tangent bundle.


( | relation [: [filter]])

This denotes the collection of initial values of (: relation :filter) - or of relation if filter is absent. In this last case, the : is optional. (Spring 1998: it occurred to me to want to include it, because that seemed natural, though superfluous; and, when the relation is a complicated expression, the closing bracket is more readily recognised if accompanied by its :.) [In principle, given some collection B, {(|:B)} denotes the collection of collections from which there is some mapping to B: but this is seldom of interest, since either B is empty (and the only member of this collection is empty) or this is the collection of all collections. Likewise, {(|:)} is the collection of all collections. Consequently, I don't intend to use such minimal denotations with |.]

([[filter] :] relation | )

This, likewise, stands for the collection of final values of the specified (filter: relation :). Notice that the definition of restriction, above, now means that: for any relation r, r = ((|r): r :(r|)) while; for any relations r, s, ((s|):r:) = (s:r:) and (:r:(|s)) = (:r:s), as only a filter's initial or final values matter, according as it is applied to r's final or initial values (respectively).

Examples, with A and B collections and f a relation:

Making assertions with end-collections and restriction

Revolution: (A|f:blah) used to denote (:f:blah) =g and asserted that (|g) = (A|). Changed to denote (A:f:blah) and to assert that (|f:blah) subsumes (A|). I find this more useful. However, there may be some old pages confused by it.

Wherever the restriction denotation above allows a [filter], with accompanying :, it may be replaced by an assert (which must be a relation) with accompanying |. This denotation stands for a relation: indeed, the relation in question is the one obtained by replacing the | with a :. However, in addition to denoting that relation, this denotation asserts that its initial or final values are exactly the final or initial values of assert. Thus, for example (with A, f, B general relations - but note that when A is a collection, (|A) = A = (A|), and likewise for B):

(| [relation] | assert)
(assert | [relation] | )

Wherever the asserted denotations just given may have (: or :), the colon, :, may be replaced with a | to denote the initial or final values of the relation (as if the assert's | were replaced by a :), while at the same time making the given assertion about the final or initial values of (:relation:) subsuming the initial or final values of assert.

Leap-frog this aside to another.

An aside: symbols

I introduced &unite;, &intersect; and &on; as symbols. I would be pretty happy to replace &unite; with the U-shaped symbol usually used to denote the union operator. Sadly, that's not in the character set.

I could burden some ordinary character, such as U or a punctuator, with the rôle of &unite;. But this would have overloaded other characters, especially as that U isn't going to be the only symbol I want. I tried ;- for a while, but it looks no better (and is easier to fail to notice) than &unite; and the latter at least gives a hint at what it means.

I could produce (or find) a standard set of little image files which (when displayed using a web browser which supports in-lined images) appear as the symbols I want. I'd then be writing <IMG SRC="/img/math/union.png" ALT="union"> where, at present, I type &union;, though I could probably persuade emacs to let me produce these with only a few keystrokes. Font-changes wouldn't affect them, but they'd do the job reasonably well. However, the source file containing my HTML then gets ugly, and I dislike that.

On the other hand, &unite;, though not at all pretty, will do as well as any other token for the purpose in hand: and is of the form required for HTML (or, perhaps, a style sheet) to be able to specify that it be rendered as a suitable U. I could as readily have introduced the word unite with a special meaning, it would be shorter, but &unite; gives me the opportunity to mark the word as one token where it appears, in an expression, adjacent to a name.

Those folk using raw text, or old, browsers are going to be meeting × in a similar form wherever I use it, and I don't consider it an unreasonable burden to intelligibility - it's the form in which I read them when using my authoring tool (emacs). Indeed, a reader seeing &times;, once cued to know that &...; is to be read as a single token, even gets to be reminded of what that symbol means (in case it is unfamiliar to them). Anyway, that's as much apology as you'll get from me for using such ugly denotations rather than, say, just the word on. I'll use &symbol; to denote a symbol, using some (at least vaguely) appropriate word as the symbol where I so chose - and maybe I'll one day have a way of telling your browser a nice way to present it.

Leapfrog this aside to denotations for lists.

Another aside: standard denotation

I have used the standard denotation, f(x), for the output of a mapping, f, produces in response to an input, x, it has accepted: this leads naturally to defining composition as (f&on;g)(x) = f(g(x)). I have a problem with this, in that mappings, thus written, accept their input from the right: yet when we want to draw the behaviour of a mapping, those of us who read text from left to right generally want to draw the arrow pointing from input on the left to output on the right. Indeed, left-to-right denotations are in common use for functions, as when the input-set is written, then an arrow pointing rightwards to the output-set, to denote a function from the former to the latter: see, likewise, my formulaic denotation for relations (above).

Some mathematicians, I'm told, work consistently from left to right: so that f's output for input x is (x)f or just xf, perhaps. I can see the appeal of this. However, as readily as I can pass f's output, when given x as input, to some second mapping, g, I can equally notice that f's output was itself a mapping, and give it a second input, y. With one convention we get g(f(x)) and (f(x))(y), with the other we get ((x)f)g and (y)((x)f): f comes before g and x comes before y, so one way round forces us to read composition in right-to-left order, the other forces that order on successive presentation of arguments. Either way, we have to live with reading in each order in some places: and this inevitably leads to having to deal with some order-twisting - which I've tried to keep to a minimum and make plain wherever it arises.

Anyway, I want to be understood by physicists, so I'm going to use the f(x) form for function application, with its consequent order for composition. It's taken some work to keep this sweet with plain words (which here read from left to right) and various things which I'll introduce in the order suggested thereby. It is, however, possible: with some studiously judicious choices along the way - such as numbering the rightmost element of a list, when I introduce their denotation, as 0. This will create minor friction when representing a relation as a collection of pairs (lists of length 2), but resolves peacefully.

Notice that supplying a succession of arguments to a mapping (which you can do so long as its output from the previous argument is a mapping) is written f(x)(y)(z) when x is the argument f receives, y being then given to f(x) and z to the resulting f(x)(y). Argument consumption, unlike the composition of mappings, reads from left to right in formulae: so when I come to identify mappings which accept several arguments with mappings which accept lists (wrapping up the arguments to be handed to the mapping), I'll identify f with a mapping which maps [x, y, z] to f(x)(y)(z), so that the first argument passed to a mapping with several arguments will be the highest-numbered (or last) in the list which packs up the arguments. As discussed earlier, f(x)(y)(z), which really stands for ((f(x))(y))(z), may also be written as f(x,y,z).


In this bit, you'll have to watch out for the font of [, ... and ] - when [ italic ... ] they're this page's meta-notation, enclosing or denoting something optional, when [ bold ... ] they're part of the denotation for lists. (When actually used, in the examples and real discourses, they'll be used in the ambient font of their context.)

[ [item [ , item ...] ]]
[ [item [ , item ...] , ] ... [ , item [ , item ...] , ... ...] [ , [item , ...] item] ]

The first of these denotes a list of definite length; the second denotes a list of indefinite length. In the latter, if there is a sequence of items to the left of the (leftmost) ellipsis, ..., this is known as the tail of the denotation; if there are items to the right (of the rightmost), they are known as the denotation's head.

The pattern for a list of definite length matches an arbitrary sequence of items separated by commas: if no items are present, we have only [], denoting the empty list; otherwise, let n be the number of commas present (n may be 0, and we ignore any commas which may be present inside items); the list denoted is then (1+n| :); it implicitly labels the right-most item 0 and, for each item with label i in n, gives label 1+i to the item to its left; the list maps each i in 1+n to the value of the (unique) item labelled i. (The left-most item gets the label n: indeed, the label of each item is the number of commas to its right.)

A denotation using ellipsis isn't as definite about the length of the list denoted: it can be used to say things about a list of any length, subject to a minimum. The simplest case, [...], stands for an entirely arbitrary list (but gives us no name for its length or for any of its entries, so I don't use it much). Otherwise, the list denoted is at least as long as the longest sequence of items separated by commas (ie not be ellipsis): that is the minimum, but it may be longer.

For any comma-separated sequence of items in an ellipsis denotation, we could enclose that sequence in [ ] to get a denotation for a list, s, of definite positive length: the presence of this sequence in our denotation states that the list denoted subsumes s&on;(:n+i -> i:) for some natural n - that is, the list maps n to s(0), 1+n to s(1) and so on: s appears as a sub-list of the list denoted. If the sequence is the head, n is zero: if the tail, then n+(|s) is the length of the list denoted (where (|s) is the length of s); the last (leftmost) item of s is then equally the last item of the list denoted.

Note that the sub-lists given in an ellipsis denotation may overlap, and I make no assertion here about the order of sub-lists separated by ellipsis: [..., r,q,p, ..., k,j,i, ...] has the same meaning as [..., k,j,i, ..., r,q,p, ...] and either may indicate [r=k,q=j,p=i] or [..., k,r=j,q=i,p]. However, the context specifying such a list may call for p to come after (ie really to the left of) k or no earlier than it (ie possibly allowing [..., r,q,p=k,j,i, ...], but otherwise with p after k) if that is appropriate.

Most commonly, lists with ellipsis will have no more sub-lists than head and tail, for which we do have a statement about ordering: the left-most item of the tail is the list's last item and the right-most item of the head is its first, so we know the head's right-most item is no later than that of the tail and the tail's left-most is no earlier than that of the head. Thus [z,y,...,c,b,a] may be [z,y=c,b,a] or [z=c,y=b,a]: but, otherwise, the head and tail given can't overlap. Indeed, similarly, [z,..., k,j,i, ..., a] is, at its extremes, [z=k,j,i, ..., a], [z, ..., k,j,i=a] or, even, [z=k,j,i=a]. As a final example, which will arise often, I'll write [z,...,a] for an arbitrary non-empty list: this may be [z=a] with one item, [z,a] with two, or some longer list starting in a and ending in z: for any natural n, a list (1+n|f:) is then [f(n),...,f(0)] without having to treat the case n=0, hence (1|f:), specially. I'll generally give [] special treatment, though - it tends to warrant it.

Lists suffice for a definition of the binary operator ×, denoting the Cartesian product: for relations r, s, we get s×r = Rene([s,r]) relating [u,v] to [x,y] precisely if s relates u to x and r relates v to y: when r and s are collections, this is the collection of pairs [u,v] with u in s and v in r. More generally, we have (| s×r :) = (|s)×(|r) and (: s×r |) = (s|)×(r|).

Of course, I should really write an XML description of that and an XSL program to convert it into the denotational forms given above.

Written by Eddy.