Why Converting to and from UTC is Expensive and Unreliable

This was a talk I gave to the Meeting C++ meet-up group in Oslo in April 2023. I threw it together in something of a hurry, didn't rehearse it and ran over time, so didn't cover everything below that I'd prepared for it. But apparently folk enjoyed it. My colleague Piotr subsequently turned the original form of what has now become this web-page into slides, that aren't what I used when talking; they're published here, along with those for the better-prepared talks some of my peers gave.

As Tom Scott has eloquently described, software to handle dates and times is more complicated than one might naïvely suppose. The overwhelming majority of the complications (and consequent bugs and code) come from the handling of at most about three hours per year, or one part in 2922 of the time. (You can double that in a few cases; and even rarer cases get another factor of four.) Those hours are the transitions of the zone, the nominal times at which clocks (or, in some rare cases, calendars) get adjusted forward or back.

Since the operating system itself has to deal with time, it does have information about those transitions and makes the information available to other software running under it. Naturally, the operating system's APIs are badly designed, making false naïve assumptions because their designers didn't know what they were dealing with. The subject of my talk today is just how bad that is.

There are two ways the O/S provides this information: one is the means to convert between local time and UTC; the other is information about general time zones, regardless of which the user has configured the system to use by default.

Microsoft's Time-Zone Data API

Let's see what you get. You pass an API one of these to fill in and a year for it to describe

typedef struct _TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION {
  LONG       Bias; // UTC - local time
  WCHAR      StandardName[32];
  SYSTEMTIME StandardDate; // End of DST, or invalid.
  LONG       StandardBias;
  WCHAR      DaylightName[32];
  SYSTEMTIME DaylightDate; // Start of DST, or invalid.
  LONG       DaylightBias;

in which we see two

typedef struct _SYSTEMTIME {
  WORD wYear; // 1601–30827; but 0 in a transition rule
  WORD wMonth; // Jan = 1 through 12 = Dec; 0 marks struct invalid
  WORD wDayOfWeek; // Sun = 0 through 6 = Sat
  WORD wDay; // 1–31; or 1–5 for given day of week's repeat in month
  WORD wHour; // 0–24
  WORD wMinute; // 0–59
  WORD wSecond; // 0–59
  WORD wMilliseconds; // 0–999

If either of those has wMonth set to zero, the other must have the same and the zone has no transitions (in some interval). Otherwise, both must be valid and they describe the year's transitions. This naïvely assumes a year either has no transitions or has two. That is not true.

For the common (first) case, MS sets one of the dates to the start or end of the year being described, to fake up having just one transition, (usually inaccurately) describing one side of it as DST and the other as standard. Comparing with data for adjacent years can give clues to the correct interpretation of this, but heuristics are untrustworthy.

There's a dynamic version of this, too, with all the same limitations. And MS doesn't bother much with historical accuracy, back past a few years before the release of whichever version of MS-Windows you're using. I'm fairly sure I've seen their data use USish transition dates for EU zones…

For local time, MS has its own versions of the POSIX time_t APIs, but I'll draw a veil over the differences between those and POSIX.

So much for The Evil Empire. The civilised world, in contrast, uses the IANA DB (formerly Olson database) using C++20's std::chrono::tzdb, via ICU or by accessing the files under /usr/{lib,share}/zoneinfo/, which are compiled from the database into a compact (and fairly easy to digest) binary format. Now let's look at conversion between local time and UTC.

POSIX time_t APIs

Conversion between local time and UTC on Unix (and hence anything that implements relevant POSIX APIs) is taken care of by a bunch of functions involving time_t and struct tm. The former is a count of seconds after the UTC start of 1970. Officially, the latter's members are (in no particular order).

year number −1900
month number, Jan = 0, …, 11 = Dec
day of month, 1–31
hour within the day, 0–23
minute within the hour, 0–59
second within the minute, 0–60
1 = DST, 0 = standard time, −1 = unknown
day number within the week and
day number within the year, 0 = Jan 1st

which glibc augments with:

Local time's offset from GMT at the moment described and
The zone abbreviation for local time.

and describe a moment in time, with respect either to UTC or to local time, depending on the context in which the structure isused. Whether the functions cope with date-times before 1970 is unspecified and MS's implementations don't; Darwin's do, but only back to 1900 (i.e. tm_year ≥ 0). All modern 64-bit platforms use a 64-bit time_t but some 32-bit systems still only use 32 bits and are duly headed for trouble in 2038. It's only 15 years away, now.

Some of the functions manipulating these return pointers to internal static buffers within libc; these typically have variants with an _r suffix on their names, used by prudent coders, that take a structure into which to write their results, instead of that static buffer. I shall ignore this, aside from noting that naturally you should call these instead of the one's that, for simplicity, I'll be discussing. The ones we'll be caring about here are:

time_t mktime(struct tm *when)
The input is interpreted as local time; the output is a time-point it could represent. There's no _r version (no need). Notice it's parameter is not const-qualified: the struct tm it points to gets updated by this call. The fields of that struct listed above after tm_isdst are ignored as input and set suitably in the output. The fields listed above before tm_isdst need not lie in their standard ranges: POSIX specifies this function to accept a denomal representation of time and reduce it to normal form (each field within the given ranges). The return value on error is −1; but that's also the return value for the last second of 1969. This is not the only ambiguity.
struct tm *localtime(cont time_t *tp)
The output gives local time's description of the input. This is unambiguous.
struct tm *gmtime(const time_t *tp)
The input gives UTC's description of the input. Note that this is just trivial arithmetic (albeit including some calendarical calculations).

I have no complaints about the last two, albeit I might show you some code that used them … clumsily. All the fun is with the first.

The problem with mktime() is, inevitably, transitions. If its input describes 02:30 on a recent Sunday (the last one in March) and your local time is CET, it is technically invalid: that Sunday had no 02:30, it skipped from just before 02:00 to 03:00. Nothing I've spotted in mktime()'s spec precludes it treating this as error, which would be awkward. Fortunately, every implementaiton I know of (even MS's) does something sensible instead; it picks a time before or after the transition that you might plausibly have meant. It gives you no clue that it's done that, though, other than changing the details in the input struct from what you set.

If the input describes 02:30 on the last Sunday in October, still in CET, there are two interpretations: mktime() will pick one of them for you. Maybe it's the one you needed, maybe you needed the other. It won't tell you there was another you might have wanted to know about.

The above is for when you've set tm_isdst to −1. If you set it to 1 or 0, declaring that you know whether the input describes a time in DST or not, the ambiguous case will give you the one you asked for. The technically invalid case, on the other hand, will flip your tm_isdst setting to select the time the input would describe, were its tm_isdst in effect, re-expressed to take account of the fact that you set it wrong. This is actually sensible and part of the cope with denormal behaviour – it's also what it does for normal times, if you specify tm_isdst wrong. That actually provides a way to discover the standard time offset at a specified time, something that ECMA 262 requires for the implementation of Date:

    const time_t curr = time(nullptr);
    if (curr != −1) {
        struct tm t;
        if (gmtime_r(&curr, &t))
            return int(curr − mktime(&t));
    } // else, presumably: errno == EOVERFLOW

which replaced an older

    struct tm t;
    time_t curr;
    localtime_r(&curr, &t);
    time_t locl = mktime(&t);
    gmtime_r(&curr, &t);
    time_t globl = mktime(&t);
    return (double(locl) − double(globl)) * 1000.0;

whose flaws are so many and varied that one of them was that working out what it actually did – and how that managed to approximate correctness – actually impeded my ability to think about the problem coherently. Kludges rot the mind of the reader.

I wish mktime() accepted an optional second parameter of the same type. Because when the input is ambiguous, that would let it fill in the second with the other candidate's data. This would make life so much easier.

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