Unruly random variates

It is common, when discussing random processes, to assume that they have well-defined mean and finite variance; and there are indeed plenty of random processes of which this is true. None the less, this is not a universal property of random variates; and the exceptions matter because, by violating that expectation, they stand outside the reach of certain standard statistical tools, notably including Chebyshev's bound. In particular, the Central Limit Theorem does not apply to them, so taking a large number of samples of such a variate and averaging need not give you a nicely-behaved average variate.

Where variates do have well-defined finite mean and variance, it is well established (thanks to the central limit theorem) that they behave roughly like the Gaussian distribution, with probability density varying exponentially with square of difference from the mean. However, that is only roughly true and, in particular, the Gaussian is a poor model for the many variates which are intrinsically positive, such as the heights of human beings: although the Gaussian may give only a vanishingly small probability of finding someone with a negative height, it does none the less give a non-zero probability to this unreal possibility. Fortunately, there are soeme similarly well-behaved distributions that do respect a boundary value: so I shall use one of these as my model of well-behaved randomness, specifically the gamma distribution, with density at (positive) variate-value t proportional to exp(−t/b).power(a−1, t/b), for some positive constants b and a. This has mean b.a and variance b.b.a, both handily finite.

For the unruly part of randomness, I'll take a distribution that has power-law tails, that is, its density near zero and at large variate-value varies as powers of the value. A simple model of this kind is simply power(a−1)/(1 +power(a+c)), which behaves as power(a−1) near zero and as power(−(1 +c)) for large variate value; this is normalisable for any positive a and c. Let the normalisation factor for this be N(a, c) = integral(: power(a −1)/(1 +power(a +c)) :{positives}); then the mean of such a variate is N(a+1, c−1)/N(a, c) and the mean of its square is likewise N(a+2, c−2)/N(a, c), saving only that the former is well defined only for c > 1 and the latter only for c > 2; lower values of c give infinite values for the mean or mean-square, respectively. This means that, for c between 1 and 2, the variate has finite mean but infinite variance; and for c between 0 and 1 it doesn't even have a well-defined mean. I'll call this a power-tail distribution.

For actual computation of N, see study.maths.powertails.PowerTails in my pythonic study package.

Since the gamma distribution also has power-law behaviour near zero, I'll take both distributions with the same power-law behaviour near zero, hence the use of the same name a for the relevant power. If we have a random variate whose density is a weighted average of gamma and power-tail distributions, with more weight on the gamma than on the power tail, it may be very hard for an observation, even of large numbers of samples from the distribution, to notice that it is not simply gamma-distributed; and yet, if the power-tail's c is between 1 and 2, the variate will still have infinite variance, despite appearing to follow one of the best-behaved distributions there is. Such a distribution looks like

and, when h.Γ(a) is much bigger than k.N(a, c), the gamma part of the distribution shall dominate wherever the density is not tiny, so that any evidence of the power-tail in a sample of the random variate is apt to be mistaken for a rare outlier of the gamma distribution; yet that power-tail cannot safely be ignored, since it's what makes the variance infinite.

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