- One of the Web's big growth areas is in bots and search
engines, so here are a few:
- Alta Vista
- Lycos.
- The multithreaded query page.
- JumpStation and JumpStation II at Stirling, in
- World Wide Web
Robots, Wanderers, and Spiders
- W3 Search Engines
- Here are some junction boxes on the web:
- Yahoo
- Demon: Links to other
information sources
- Demon: United Kingdom Based
WWW Servers.
- The
World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Subject Catalogue
- Special
Internet Connections
- The CIA
World Fact Book on gopher.
- Godling's Glossary
by Dave Krieger, who has been most courteous to frameless browsers, while still
making good use of them for who can.
- World-Wide Web
Servers: Summary
- SunSITE Northern Europe at
the Department of Computing, Imperial College, London.
- the Finnish
University and Research Network's big server, with a good selection of starting points.
- FlyBase in Cambridge has a Big Fat Collection of places
to look for information.
- Now for a few other useful links:
- Fax Your MP
- The Periodic
Table of the chemical elements
- Random Number
- is a well understood science, though I prefer to call
it chaotic number generation. Elsewhere,
it's also discussed in conjunction
with Stochastic Simulation alongside some pointers to resources for
mathematicians, especially probability theorists.
- Here's some bibliography.
- Here are the hook-in points for information on
- Numerical Recipes and the
(public domain) SLATEC
- The EVCA Project and
the Computational Mechanics
Archive at Santa Fe.
- Pict
- The IlliGAL Home Page
I'm trying to learn a little about Bayesian methods in probability theory.
Here's a selection of places I found in an afternoon of searching with
Lycos, plus some later additions:
- Maximum Entropy / Space-time Algebra
Group WWW Server
- David MacKay's Home Page
- David J.C. MacKay's FTP exports
- including quite a lot of papers.
- Welcome to the Buster Server
- General
Program for Bayesian Inference
- B.D. Ripley's ftp archive.
- NASA's Bayes group
Maintained by Eddy.
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