Far too many links waiting to be followed:
- python.sourceforge.net/devel-docs/
- python.sourceforge.net/devel-docs/lib/module-xml.dom.html
- ftp://archive.cis.ohio-state.edu/pub/emacs-lisp/archive/table.el
- xmlterm.org/
- software-carpentry.com/entries/
- arsdigita.com/pages/about
- arsdigita.com/
- philip.greenspun.com/
- darwinawards.com
- python.org/sigs/distutils-sig/doc/
- petition.eurolinux.org/consultation
- petition.eurolinux.org/consultation
- petition.eurolinux.org/pr/pr5.html
- petition.eurolinux.org/statements
- tibsnjoan.co.uk/STNG-format.html
(or possibly
- tibsnjoan.demon.co.uk/STNG-format.html)
- bluesci.com
- The Python 9 conference agenda
- newscientist.com/opinion/opinion.jsp?id=ns22785
- www2.anglia.ac.uk/~systimk/camra/pics/27cbf/Dscn0642.jpg
- tibsnjoan.co.uk/docutils/DocNodes.py
- tibsnjoan.co.uk/docutils/status.html
- homepage.ntlworld.com/tibsnjoan/docutils/status.html
- theregister.co.uk/content/6/17117.html
- XForm home page
- XForm working draft
- python.sourceforge.net/peps/pep-0216.html
- cis.upenn.edu/~edloper/pydoc/stminus002-test.html
- ibiblio.org/Dave/Dr-Fun/df200103/df20010306.jpg
- bbspot.com/News/2001/03/perl_test.html
- nupedia.com/newsystem/member.phtml
- wikipedia.com/
- www-personal.engin.umich.edu/~rhanold/swedchef/swedchef.html
- news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_1279000/1279723.stm
- artists.mp3s.com/artist_song/698/698011.html
- apeculture/shatner.htm
- news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/americas/newsid_1297000/1297213.stm
- mainline.brynmawr.edu/~mpace/malkdance.html
- rutlandherald.nybor.com/News/Story/22707.html
- The Round - ceilidhs
- buzzwhack
- home.att.net/~btechinc/pline.html
- systemed.net/allyourvote.html
- sptimes.com/News/051101/TampaBay/Student_removed_from_.shtml
- musicgreetings.mp3.com/createcard?task=step1&themeid=165
- vision25.demon.co.uk/oss/herbivore/intro.html
- whodoivotefor.co.uk
- friendlygiants.com/games/election_invaders/toryinvaders/
- rfc-ignorant.org
- yaml.org
- dangerouslaboratories.org/
- dailynews.com/news/articles/0601/04/new03.asp
- bumperdumper.com/
- uboot.com/u/pimptress
- news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/entertainment/music/newsid_1407000/1407251.stm
- newaus.com.au/econ256planning.html.
- cix.co.uk/~pauldormer/ password 'zaphod'
- catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks/21.57.html#subj4
- btopenworld.com/news/0,6190,csn=83|csr=586552,00.html
- bsdconeurope.org
- ukug.uk.FreeBSD.org/archive/msg05344.html
- novell.com/education/cde
- amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00000AG79/026-4794145-3021208
- amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/cm/member-reviews/-/AA9IP6AYACFK5/1/
- efficiend dispatch of the clueless
- altgeek.org/lord_inh/comic/
- dilbert.com/comics/dilbert/archive/images/dilbert2812330010903.gif
- geocities.com/darrenlonghorn/proof/nasa2.jpg
- whereismygeek/main.htm
- guardian.co.uk/cartoons/archive/stevebell/1,7371,337764,00.html
- madsci.org/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/lynn/jardin/SCG
- smalltime.com/dada.html
- chesco.com/~artman/santayana.html
- thebrainstrust.co.uk/article.17.2002.html
- news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk/england/newsid_1565000/1565287.stm
- FRESHfiltered.com/BrainMess
- CIA factbook on Agfhanistan
- gagpipe - headline satire from around the world.
- Newton's manuscripts in the UL
- gopfun - dancingbush.swf
- msnbc.com/news/628230_asp.htm about WTC
- Beyond Tyzak there is DR VAN STAVEREN
- Data Protection Act
- Give water a chance
- OED endangered words quiz
- `Things my girlfriend and I have argued about'
- Melancholy Elephants: music/DMCA essay
- McCaulay on copyright, at its inception
- follow this to the Slemko story it links to
- billionaires for bush-or-gore
- dirtybackroad
- sued for letting his rape seed by raped by Monsanto's GM
- the database IP right
- wipout essays
- the Church of theSub Genius
- the Discordians
- International Network on Personal Meaning
- Urban Shaman's Home Page focusing on personal growth and spiritual development.
- Meaning of Life Depot
- Yahoo Personal Philosophies page
- aid for Afghans
- advogato
- idiot
Paul vs Jon on cam.misc
- yahoo mail problems ?
- Morag's recent work
- gobble.jpg (c/o Beery)
- Wysing Arts fire sculpture: December 8th
- Its only a bloody model
- dancing Bush + Britney
- Torp: wlhg.freeuk and
- Theremin World
- Japanese arcade games hit new levels of weirdness
- Wire frame skeleton
- suit,
ponytail or
propeller ?
- Tuesdae
- Onion: marijuana
- U.S. `friendly fire' casualties
- Ginger broadband ?
- The journal of craptology: a glossary
- Legalisation of Cannabis Bill ?
- Steve's drinking games and
Kevin Smith
- first American web site, via BBC
- I'm Feeling Lucky - contest
- Bonsai Kitten including
Howard's favourite
- Bush's definitive world statement
from The Smoke Hammer.
- Stanta - the perfect Christmas No 1, said Beery
- Guardian Online d'oh!
- ask a neighbour
- Slow glass: Nature and scifi.com
- megway
- Hell's Grannies
- magical musical mystical audio visual trip (dude)
- the things you can get research money for these days ...
- Kevin Smith quizes: male
and female.
- BBC: stating the obvious
- fainting goats ?
- Xanadu stuff, including a wiki with,
e.g. Definitions and stuff.
- e-sheep/spiders: comic strip Afghan War if not just revenge [Lloyd]
- What the web's REALLY for [Beery]
- Quantum Gravity Observation
- BBC on: radar image processing
- Gigs, e.g. psychedelia one
- retrospective of Sir Clive and his oeuvre
- Green Cathedral ... webcam
- Ed Felten in Business Week
- The Tyzak saga continues:
as publistra [flash],
and that old oil painting,
plus: their friend at defunkt designs.
- absurd.org
- invention: genius or hoax ?
- Belgian euro-flipping story
and follow-up.
- Martin Twiss knows this entertaining fool ...
and was amused by this.
- spamsites and spamsights
- some filkers own scrumpy.org ;^>
- BBC: Glastonbury 2002
- Trustworthy computing
- Ross Anderson on oppressive Export Control Bill
- Horizon on ?-branes plus transcript
- for the overweight housefly in your life
- Independent on AAAS generation ships
- Post-modern text generator
- factorise integers fast !
- Breakfast before we start work!
- How dumb are we ?
- ig
- Sanger Institute (bioinformatics)
- ECM (agency)
- aminocom
- anthropics
- d-cubed
- check for jobs
- Trustix Lars Gaarden's employer
- toolwright for scientists
- IGC tech recruitment Cheese Co. mentioned Tim Halket
- ttpcom waste of my time - RF hardware, embedded
- autonomy
- imagictv
- imerge
- scigen
and search for ICAREX pc-13 (a polycarbonate, made by Carrington) cloth ...
Campaign for Digital Rights
Sklyrarov, EUCD/DMCA, etc.:
- jasonclifford.com/copyright.html
- xenoclast.org/freesklyarov/press_coverage.html
- news.zdnet.co.uk/story/0,,t269-s2092570,00.html
- slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/08/04/2150240&mode=thread
- sptimes.com/News/080501/Columns/Internet_copyright_ti.shtml
- gnu.org/philosophy/right-to-read.html
- planetebook.com/mainpage.asp?webpageid=201
- reciprocal.com/wwd_howitworks.asp
- biz.yahoo.com/bw/010801/0293.html
- metatext.com/students/
- metatext.com/students/getting_started.htm
- theregister.co.uk/content/6/20856.html
- visi.com/~tneu/pro-book.html
- theregister.co.uk/content/archive/14179.html
- sunday-times.co.uk/news/pages/Sunday-Times/stidorvir01001.html
- csua.berkeley.edu/~alexf/sklyarov/ballad.html
- siliconvalley.com/docs/news/svfront/sklyar081101.htm
- savetheweb.org/
- news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_1489000/1489619.stm
- subscriberdirect.com/wired/rave/ravevote.cfm
- macfergus.com/niels/dmca/
- sourceforge.net/projects/codsys/
- xenoclast.org/free-sklyarov-uk/2001-July/000019.html
- lemuria.org/decss/hal2001.html
- is.lse.ac.uk/staff/hosein/
- dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010822/tc/tech_hacker_dc_2.html
- eff.org/IP/DMCA/US_v_Sklyarov/20010821_eff_sklyarov_bunner_pr.html
- washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A38463-2001Aug20.html
- salon.com/tech/feature/2001/08/23/pirate/print.html
- silicon.com/a46743
- silicon.com/a46768
- catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks/21.62.html#subj7
- dotcomscoop.com/wtaw828.html
- lists.essential.org/pipermail/med-privacy/2001q3/000276.html
- silicon.com/a46902
- nzherald.co.nz/storydisplay.cfm?storyID=211491&thesection=technology
- salon.com/tech/feature/2001/08/31/dmca_report/
- news.cnet.com/news/0-1003-200-7004860.html
- theregister.co.uk/content/55/21375.html
- techreview.com/web/roush/roush083001.asp
- www2.austlii.edu.au/~graham/publications/ip_privacy/
- datenschutz-berlin.de/doc/int/iwgdpt/co_en.htm
- zork.net/pipermail/free-sklyarov/2001-September/004119.html
- which.net/help/customer_service/wolteam1.html
- newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns9999998
- news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_1489000/1489619.stm
- news.cnet.com/news/0-1005-200-6604222.html?tag=tp_pr
- mail-archive.com/cdwrite@other.debian.org/msg01871.html
- theregister.co.uk/content/54/20766.html
- metafilter.com/comments.mefi/9152
- news.ft.com/ft/gx.cgi/ftc?pagename=View&c=Article&cid=FT3QUH9D9RC&live=true
- politechbot.com/docs/hollings.090701.html
- politechbot.com/cgi-bin/politech.cgi?name=dmca
- wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,46655,00.html
- politechbot.com/p-02486.html
- PetitionOnline.com/SSSCA/petition.html
- theregister.co.uk/content/6/21577.html
- firstmonday.org/issues/issue6_9/scott/
- home.graffiti.net/pogue/writings/
- chronicle.com/free/2001/09/2001091101t.htm
- theregister.co.uk/content/54/21610.html
- spiked-online.com/Event/
- en.monde-diplomatique.fr/2001/09/10copyright
- politechbot.com/p-01136.html
- sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/293/5537/2028
- commondreams.org/views01/0922-07.htm
- pcworld.com/news/article/0,aid,63523,00.asp
- IRC logs, NB 2001/Sept/27th
- Alisdair's call to action, kuro5hin
- CD manglers
- AAP case
- AAP `reward' offer
- Section 296, particularly (2)(a) and (2)(b), also (4)
- search for cdparanoia and cdrdao
- security bod on copy-protection
- N*Sync article; note quote's source
- Questionaire on
the Draft Convention on foreign laws invading us at home
- InfoAnarchy CD day of action article
- Canadian copy levy
- European copying levies
- Fair Trading Legislation
- Official Trading Standard
- Martin Keegan's ramblings - look near bottom
- Mk @ Open Revolt
- The street performer protocol
- Defeating Audio CD Copy Protection – Solomon-Reed & B.E.R.
- Why artists should be using Ogg Vorbis
- BBC report on CD protest
- Jamie Love interview on slashdot
and comments
- Cryptome on the secret RIAA meeting (myth ?)
- Music industry labelled anti-competitive?
- slashdot on DRM
- RIAA right to crack your machine
- re: Jessica Litman's book about DMCA
- E.U. competition laws against the music industry ?
- relevant bit of telecoms and data protection directive, 1996's UK implementation
- RIP code of practice blurb
- Data protection act 1998; schedule 1
- Treaty of Rome vs EUCD ?
- unregistered compiler story Mk
- Warning of copy-protection by music industry - The Argus
- De-DRM
- Sony hassle their own AIBO customer
- Alan Cox hits DMCA issues
- silicon.com on EUCD and
Mario goes the full Monti; which got
- Stereophile: yet another restricted-use CD
- TidBits article: part 1,
part 2 and
final part.
- Aibo hack down
- Oz case: DVDs are software !
(oh no they're not ;^)
- slashdot: Are DVDs Software Or Films?
- Fat Chuck's corrupt CD site
- publishers' `piracy' and copy protection info
- Latest news on the Felten v. RIAA case
- The Softman v. Adobe case
- Ireland Off-Line campaign
- SACD polemic
- /. More Copy Protected CDs
- Natalie Imbruglia CD report
- News.com article
- der Spiegel article
- register article
and associated reading from
go2mac and
slashdot, whence
Midbar's US Patent.
- BBC article
- Greetings from Scotland's new first minister!
- Sklyarov latest
- register on CDs, 2001/Dec/6
- NTK T shirt (goat rebel?) - misposted !
- WIPO latest grimness
- Why EUCD is bad
- bmr re: EUCD and more
- Register on Sony and modchips
- National Record Office on EUCD
and up-to-date PRO position
- and various anti-EUCD opinions: britac,
CBI (pdf),
la-hq laca groups,
- Wired on mp3s
and on related U.S. politics.
- sneak preview of press-play (perhaps)
- CNET article
- Adobe ordered to stop distributing InDesign!
- Dmitry clarifies his release:
to O'Reilly and
on Planet PDF
- RIAA/Anti-Vinyl Cartoon...
- Watchdog on CDs
- kuro5hin: IP article w/ mathematical economics ?
- MS Audio for DVD players ... Seatle P-I
and slashdot
- privacy group EPIC's take on DRM
- UN Human Rights
- Congressman Argues
Copy-Protected CDs
May Be
- Salon: Public Money, Private Code
- Jon Johansen indicted
- Norsk protest and in
dagblad; also
ZDnet on Johansson
- Philips on CDs: metafilter,
The Register,
CD creator burns copy-protection efforts
and Studios nearing anti-copying tech for TV
- Philips has its own ideas on access-control
- LA Times article
- UKPO update
- European Convention on Human Rights
- EFN; Norsk EFF
- Courtney Pine on RIAA et al.
- Copy rights, copy wrongs: Dave Shapton in Sound-on-Sound;
and Will Knot in online.ie
and in tipsheet on similar; see also ...
- Battle Over Digital Content: TidBits (Mac newsletter)
- Universal's support website for their duff CDs
- the SSSCA battle
(also here).
- fighting big biz is hard even if you're in the right
- PS2 circumvention case,
with details and
the Register's account
- cNet: DMCA effects analysis
- Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) and its
mailing list.
- Napster judge looks at
copyright abuse;
plus discussion of shrink-wrap idiocy.
- cdrinfo on how to beat Cactus;
plus /. review
- ElcomSoft trial update
- Philips v music world
- archive of articles on fair use
- Creative Commons
- EU software patents get slashdotted.
Control & Creativity
article on Glider.com
- Napster update, 2002/Feb/late.
- TidBits on recent IP
- Movie industry tears,
Gilmore contrary on /.
and on toad;
- EFF on Johanson, while a
US commissioner burbles
- SSSCA is back
- EU e-commerce directive
- U.K. government conclusions
and E.C. proposal
about patents and software, to which responses should be sent by 2002/June/7th; and discussed with the U.K. association for free
- ig
- butterworths.co.uk/academic/lloyd/cases/cbs.htm
- porch.ccta.gov.uk/courtser/judgements.nsf/8a6242113a3c89f080256642001252c8/91f96fba607c55ae802568bf002cde81/$FILE/mars.htm
- jya.com/mars-v-tek.htm
- porch.ccta.gov.uk/courtser/judgements.nsf/5cbcc578c01a9c02802567170061b8c6/afc2f5b59b31bfb680256a8e0037a14b/$FILE/civil_ashdown.htm
- porch.ccta.gov.uk/courtser/judgements.nsf/8a6242113a3c89f080256642001252c8/03ad1da6c4374e80802569d70046f582/$FILE/chancery_ashdown.htm
- bailii.org/ew/cases/EWCA/Crim/1998/2446.html
- thetimes.co.uk/article/0,,484-60745,00.html
- swarb.co.uk/lawb/cpuCMASentence.html
- A list of DMCA-related law suits
Links I've read and decided to keep, but not yet filed elsewhere
Really old dangling links (1997 and earlier)
- spinning discs
appear to be causing a stir in the study of general relativity. As does
- The
- is a newly discovered organelle.
- Some pictures
- of Ultimate Frisbee, I think.
- The Geometry Center
- at the
University of Minnesota, and
- The Math Forum
- at
Swarthmore College (teaching math and geometry to schoolkids).
- Focus
on Encryption and Privacy for Netsurfers.
- InterNIC
notice on fees with a lamentable historic postscript.
- CyberLib
- c/o
Richard K. Moore, who encouraged readers to look at a CPSR page on Cyber-Rights.
- Filker
- page on which
Rafe suggested I check out the cyber bunny ...
- Babbage
- Auntie Beeb's
Web foot-print: Welcome to Babbage's Guide to the World Wide Web
- Hot
- Lycos Inc: What's Hot!
- CGI programs
CGI Programs on the Web
- Gateways
- World
Wide Web gateway software
- a collection of
- from someone who claims to have helped the US reverse
engineer a UFO.
- Something
- but I'm not sure
what. I think it has to do with a cybercafe in Slovenia. And a publication
called `Very Cyber Indeed'. But may not yet exist. Or something.
- OpenGL WWW Center
- Weather
Information in Britain.
- The Lurker's Guide to
Babylon 5
- The DOOM links
- WIT: an interactive
discussion tool for the Web
Written by Eddy.
$Id: xref.html,v 1.7 2009-08-09 15:03:22 eddy Exp $