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Alef Efes...
[It all comes out the wrong colours in MSIE4. It's not my fault, honest!] [Reportedly, Netscape 2.02 for OS/2 Warp 3 has trouble too.] The Rules
The sourceAutomaton Wars is NOT COPYRIGHTED and is NOT distributed under the GNU General Public Licence.You can download a ZIP file (41K) of all the files you need to run Automaton Wars in Java from your own hard disc, without being on-line (MSIE4beta doesn't cope with doing this, but Netscape 3 does). This file also contains all the source code. You are free to do whatever you like with the source, so long as you don't claim it was written by anyone other than me. Downloading doesn't work from inside -- if you are reading this in a window, you need to go to in a "real" browser window first. The two ".class" files in that ZIP file must end up called Automaton.class and AutomatonBoard.class ... this is only a problem if you're using a DOS-based unzipper that only understands short, 8.3 filenames. Even then it may work if you rename the class files after unzipping. The "Hall of Fame"On 21st February 1999, I moved these pages to a new server. I haven't got the "Hall of Fame" highscore table stuff going on the new server yet. Apologies.See also