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Hints, tips, things to watch out for

Size is important Some notes on GIF transparency: an area where some GIF viewers (and browsers) fall down.  
Netscape Navigator 4 has a bug which can cause InterGif's output to look wrong under certain circumstances.
Converting Draw files (RiscOS version only) You'll need loads of memory. It takes a while, too.
Using ChangeFSI with InterGif (RiscOS version only) How to preprocess input files with Acorn's powerful but slightly arcane image-processing program.
Users of R-Comp's Web Designer Toolkit How to upgrade your copy with the latest version of InterGif.

Size is important

Since at least version 2.02, InterGif has optimised out any wholly transparent rows and columns at the edges of the first (or only) frame of transparent GIFs. It does this by setting the size in the Logical Screen Descriptor to the size of the whole GIF, and the size in the first Frame Descriptor to the smaller rectangle which bounds the first frame. This is all completely as per GIF spec, and is what happens for the second and subsequent frames of animated GIFs anyway.
However, some programs which read GIFs (usually those which either don't understand animations, or don't understand transparency) incorrectly ignore the LSD size and use the FD size. These programs include Acorn ChangeFSI, Claris HomePage, and some early (pre-1.60) versions of ANT Fresco. This is a problem as it can lead to Web authors specifying the wrong WIDTH= and HEIGHT= attributes in Web pages. All versions of Netscape and MSIE use the LSD size (at least for GIF89's).
Early versions of the RiscOS program "Creator" only set the FD size and not the LSD size; such images look wrong in MSIE. Netscape cheats! and uses only the FD size for GIF87 images and (correctly) the LSD size for GIF89 images. As of version 1.63, this is Fresco's behaviour too.

Netscape Navigator 4

Some interlaced transparent GIFs made with version 6.01 or earlier of InterGif may look wrong in Netscape Navigator 4 (the version in Netscape Communicator): any that do, should be reconverted with version 6.02 or later. You may wish to use the new -trim option; if not, your GIF will be compressed slightly less well than it could be. This is due to a bug in Navigator 4, not in InterGif. For grody technical details, read on.
Navigator 4, in both the Windows and Solaris versions, gets it wrong if an interlaced image has a border optimised out on the first frame (in the manner described in "Size is important" above). The symptom is that black, non-transparent lines appear every fourth pixel down "transparent" areas of the image. This is unquestionably a bug in Navigator rather than InterGif, especially in view of the fact that Navigator 3.02 gets it right, but (until Netscape release their source code and I can fix it myself...) I've stopped InterGif from optimising out the border if an interlaced GIF is being made.
This means that such GIFs end up being compressed less optimally than they might. If this is a problem (and it may not be, as interlaced GIFs usually end up compressed less well than non-interlaced ones anyway) you can use the new -trim option to remove, rather than just avoid compressing, the transparent border. When using -trim, InterGif's output will not be the same size in pixels as the input image (it is normally). You can use the HSPACE= and VSPACE= attributes of the HTML <IMG> tag to produce a transparent border around a trimmed image.

Converting Draw files

There are a few caveats attached to using InterGif with Draw files. First of all, InterGif uses Acorn's DrawFile module to do the actual plotting: if you don't have a copy (RiscOS 3.6 and 3.7 have one in ROM) you'll need to get it from Acorn's FTP site. The archive you get doesn't seem to have installation instructions: basically, you need to find the actual DrawFile module (filetype 'Module') inside the archive, and copy it into your !System.310.Modules or !System.Modules directory.

InterGif tries to anti-alias the Draw file nicely, but this involves rendering it into a sprite that's three times too big in each direction, then reducing down to the right size. This can take a lot of memory (how much depends on the size of the picture -- in inches on screen, that is, not Kbytes on disc).
InterGif was designed for converting small logos into Web graphics, and not for rendering entire A4 pages.

InterGif can take a long time to process Draw files. For this reason, if you want to make an animation from your Draw files and then fiddle with it, it's a good idea to convert your Draw files to a sprite-file animation first, then fiddle with converting the sprites to a GIF with all the other options you require.

The palette optimisation options -216, -256, -pal palfile and -best n plain don't work with Draw files. Draw files are effectively always converted with the -216 option: that is, they're anti-aliased to the PC/Mac standard palette.

If you're using the command-line version of InterGif to convert Draw files, you can't use it from a TaskWindow. Press F12 instead. (This is because the Draw file conversion redirects output to a sprite, and if TaskWindow switches control away from InterGif in the middle of that, it all goes horribly wrong.)

Using ChangeFSI with InterGif

Some very powerful results are possible using this option. You need to read the help file FSIuse inside the !ChangeFSI directory, to know what to put in the InterGif's ChangeFSI Options icon (or pass with the -c command-line option).

Versions of ChangeFSI

There are several different versions of ChangeFSI circulating. The one available on Acorn's FTP site is, at time of writing, version 1.12, but there are later versions: I think these were distributed with RiscOS 3.6 and 3.7. The version I've got calls itself 1.13S, and I can't remember where I got it.
The only problem that older versions cause to InterGif, is that some early versions set ChangeFSI$Dir in their !Run files but not in their !Boot files, so InterGif won't know where to find the ChangeFSI program until ChangeFSI has already been run once. Version 1.12 fixes this.
In some versions of ChangeFSI, the FSIuse help file mentioned above is in !ChangeFSI.Documents rather than !ChangeFSI itself.

ChangeFSI only knows about single-frame files

This means that if you wish to run ChangeFSI on an animation file -- if, for instance, you've got an animated GIF you want to reduce in size -- you have to use InterGif twice.
The first time, you need to have the Split output files or -split option set: InterGif will produce a whole series of one-frame sprite files.
You then need to feed these sprite files back into InterGif, this time with Join input files or -join selected (plus your ChangeFSI options to reduce size or whatever): this will produce the reduced-size animation file you wanted.

ChangeFSI doesn't know about masking or transparency

ChangeFSI treats all input files as having a completely solid mask (no transparency). There isn't really a good workaround for this, as ChangeFSI can't know what background colour to fade "half-lit" edge pixels against.
All you can really do is edit your animation afterwards, in Paint or The Complete Animator, to re-supply the transparency by hand.

Example ChangeFSI settings

If all you're doing is using ChangeFSI to cope with an input format that InterGif doesn't understand itself, you just need to click on the ChangeFSI... button to open the "InterGif calling ChangeFSI" window, tick the tickbox, and enter
in the Options icon. The "28" tells ChangeFSI to convert things to 256-colour sprites. The command-line equivalent would be something like
    intergif in/bmp -o out/gif -c "28"

To reduce the input file to half-size, enter
    28 1:2 1:2
or use a command like
    intergif in -o out -c "28 1:2 1:2"

If you've got a "deep" (16bpp or 24bpp) input image, you can use ChangeFSI to convert it to a deep sprite, and then tell InterGif to choose the optimal 256-colour palette, by entering
and then choosing Find best in the "InterGif palette options" window; or, from the command line,
    intergif in -o out -c "S32,90,90" -best 256
Older versions of ChangeFSI won't understand the S32,90,90 option though, and you may get an error.

My favourite one is converting a whole directory of output files from POV-Ray for Windows (in 24bpp Targa format) into a reduced-size animated GIF in one operation:
    intergif frame000/tga -o anim/gif -join -c "28 1:3 1:3"

Users of R-Comp's Web Designers Toolkit

You can find your copy of the InterGif command-line program in your !ImageConv.Resources directory. If it isn't the latest version, you can replace it with the file "intergif" from inside the !InterGif application in the standard RiscOS distribution. !ImageConv will continue to work just as before, except you'll get the bug-fixes and extra compression features in the latest version.
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