Peter Hartley's Home

Open Source

Chorale UPnP software is hosted over at Sourceforge, not here.
SYMO (Sort Your MP3s Out) 1.1, MP3 tag editor for Unix (with X and Qt).
InterGif 6.15, animated GIF creation and optimisation for Linux, NT, Win95 and Acorn RiscOS. Full source available.
Automaton Wars, popular Java board game applet.
Other software, most of it for Acorn RiscOS only.

Bits of string
too short to keep

Pangrams, or holoalphabetic sentences.

CV (Résumé): go ahead punk, make my day.
More miscellanea and links.

I can has blog? I gave up blogging in 1997 because I realised that nobody was reading. Quite why I started again in 2009 I can't really say.
Cycle rides around Cambridge. This week, I have mainly been eating Google Maps.
France 96 And you want to call your mother and say, "Mother, I can never come home, 'cause I seem to have left an important part of my brain somewhere, somewhere in a field in Périgord"...
Banana Cake is just a banana cake recipe as far as I can tell, but it's permanently one of the most popular pages here.
Free Software: You Can't Even Give It Away, some people haven't really got their heads round open-source or public domain software yet.
Other writings and recipes.

Photo - journalism

Steve Kelly's Stag Night, Blackpool-based beer-swilling fun.


If I'm not quite the Peter Hartley you were looking for, there are a few others you could try:

We Peter Hartleys have to stick together, you know.

These pages used to be hosted at my employer, but the "official" URL for InterGif, Automaton Wars and everything else is now this one at Likewise, the best email address to use is

"I just had a quick scoot over the rest of your site, you sound like a bit of a headcase" -- J Lott

(K) All Rites Reversed -- Copy What You Like